Receive our greetings to you with great joy hoping the best in life to you!
We would like to cordially invite you to our annual Castaways Client Owners Party to be held at Garufa Steakhouse Restaurant on Friday November 15th, 2019 in appreciation of our client Owners, as we make a great community. Thank you for being part of our Castaways Family.
We will have dinner, music, toast, surprises and a presentation of what is next for Castaways Rocky Point and for your property. We want to inform you that we have for you what no other company has done for their client owners, we will grant you the new “VIP CASTAWAYS CLIENT OWNERS CARD”. This exclusive card is for you, the ones who make Castaways the great company that it is. With this VIP Castaways Client Owner Cards you will have great benefits such as: 10-15% off on the best restaurants in the city, coupons for golf packages, more than 15% off on Spa treatments, 5 Free client owner cleanings annually on your property…, these and much more benefits to be revealed at the Party.
Event will be held from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, schedule and program can be found attached to this letter.
Followed by our Castaways Client Owners Party, we will be celebrating a VIP Gala at Elixir Lounge Bar, where you as Castaways partner will be received as a VIP guest. VIP Gala is an exclusive event where will have the most influential people in Puerto Peñasco, along with business partners and new developers. Premium drinks and tasteful snacks will be served accompanied with live music.
We would love to have you as a guest for these 2 important events where the main guest is you. We appreciate being includ included as part of your Vacation Property life and we hope to continue to do so for many more years!
Please confirm your attendance and reserved your place in the event, will be happy to see you there!
Best regards,
Castaways Management.

- Fri, Nov 15Puerto Peñasco